Thayetchaung, 11 October

The junta troops have been carrying out further arson attacks on Ya Nge village in Tanintharyi Region’s Thayetchaung Township since 9 October, according to locals.

The 80-strong military column entered Ya Nge village, where residents had fled, and burned down the houses.

Residents said that the military council’s arson attack damaged at least ten homes at the time of reporting; however, the exact number of homes damaged is unknown.

Residents have not yet returned to their houses and are keeping an eye on the situation because military council personnel remain stationed in the village.

Lieutenant Shin Than was among the regime troops that invaded the village, raising concerns among the locals.

This military column has been storming ten villages in Thayetchaung Township one by one since the last week of September, including Ya Nge, Kamyaing, Theingon, Weyit, and Kyauk Khamauk.

The military council’s offensive has forced thousands of residents from 10 villages to seek refuge.

The junta army destroyed two houses in Ka Dwe village on September 25, and ransacked the houses and took valuables.

News-Than Lwin Times

Photo-Social Media

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