Kyaikdon, 31 October

Heavy casualties were endured by the junta army and anti-regime forces in the battle that took place in Kyaikdon town of Karen State’s Kyainseikgyi Township, which killed a civilian, reported the Special Operations Group (SOG) on October 30.

The battle erupted when a joint column of more than 100 troops from Tanintharyi-based Military Operations Command (MOC-13) and Light Infantry Battalions 358 and 558 entered the KNU Brigade 6 area in Kyaikdon Town.

The junta column clashed with the KNLA Battalion 18, the Special Operations Group (SOG) and Ayeyarwaddy Forces around pagoda hill near Htee War Kalu village about 4 p.m. on 24 October, said the statement.

Besides, another clash took place around 9 a.m. on 25 October, killing 10 junta soldiers and injuring eight others, including Colonel Win Ye Tun from Light Infatantry Battalion 358, said the SOG.

It was reported that two resistance fighters lost their lives, and one civilian was killed in the battle.

The suffered junta army relies on heavy artillery and airstrikes, forcing locals from some villages to seek shelter, said the sources on the ground.

News-Than Lwin Times


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