Kyaikmaraw, 29 November

Myo Ko Ko Win, battalion commander from the Light Infantry Battalion 557, was shot dead by sniper in a fight near Chaunghnakhwa in Mon State’s Kyaikmaraw Township, according to military sources.

The No. 777 LIB, based in Tanintharyi Township, is fighting with the help of a helicopter to avoid losing the police station during the Chaunghnakhwa battle that began on November 10.

Lt. Col. Myo Ko Ko Win, commander of the LIB 557, stationed at the Chaunghnakhwa police station, was injured on his chest and back in a drone attack on November 20.

Lt. Col. Myo Ko Ko Win, the battalion commander in charge of not losing the police station, was shot in the thigh by a sniper while inspecting troops for defense around 6:00 a.m. on November 26 and bled to death half an hour later.

Battalion commander Lt. Col. Myo Ko Ko Win should not have died and it happened because of the lack of medicine and reinforcements, said the Mawlamyine-based Southern Command.

Lt. Col. Myo Ko Ko Win, a bachelor, is an outstanding military battalion commander who has fought in Rakhine and Karen battles and is loved and trusted by the troops for his self-sacrificing service.

The deceased Lt. Col. Myo Ko Ko Win was reportedly promoted to the rank of colonel by the military council and given the title of Thiha Thura.

However, his body has not yet been retrieved because the helicopter failed to touch down near the Chaunghnakhwa police station.

According to the revolutionary joint forces, nearly 40 soldiers have been killed in the 20-day battle, and 28 soldiers who were sent as reinforcements have also surrendered.

News-Than Lwin Times

Photo-Lion Battalion Commando

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