Thanbyuzayet, 3 December

After a man was arrested with a weapon in Thanphyuzayat’s Aung Zeya Ward, Mon State, the military council arrested at least seven local residents, locals said.

On November 30, U Mya Than, 44, from Aung Zeya Ward, was arrested by regime forces during an inspection in the town, along with a pistol and ammunition.

The military council then arrested Ko Ta Yoke, the owner of the Hayman Wun construction materials store at his home overnight.

On December 1, the junta arrested at least five gold shop and grocery store owners in Thanphyuzayet town.

The military council accused the detainees, including Ko Ta Yoke, of providing the members of the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) with money and weapons.

Moreover, the military council sealed off Ko Ta Yoke’s home and shop on December 1, said locals.

Those detainees are being held incommunicado at the Thanbyuzayet police station and military camp while being investigated.

More than 800 locals were arrested in Mon State during the coup, according to AAPP, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners.

News-Than Lwin Times

Phtoto- military council’s propaganda channel

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