Nay Pyi Taw, 9 December
Military councils have been awarding medals to troops for outstanding performance and bravery amid the seizure of towns and military bases across the country, but analysts say this has not boosted soldiers’ morale.
Facing losses due to the offensive of the armed resistance forces, the military council announced on December 7 that nearly 150 troops and individuals who served in national defense and security were awarded medals of honor.
The military regime awarded the Military Gallantry and Outstanding Performance Badges as well as the Police Force Gallantry and Outstanding Performance Badges such as Ye Thura and Ye Bala.
A colonel and a lieutenant colonel from the Ministry of Defense each received the Thura title, and policemen and 11 military personnel, including the director of the prison department, received the Ye Bala medals.
Notably, among those who were awarded the Ye Bala Badge were 14 women whose service numbers and positions were not disclosed and 19 individuals from the Shan and Magway.
Civil servants, military personnel, and ordinary citizens have been awarded the titles, and General Zaw Min Tun, the military council’s spokesperson, stated in a military propaganda newspaper published on December 8 that he is proud of them and recognizes everyone.
According to CDM Sergeant Zeya, if the military council is well organized, there is no need to boost morale by awarding the medals.
Sergeant Zeya stated that the Thura Title is awarded to those who served well during the battle, both the fallen and the survivors, and that other titles are awarded to those who follow the ruler’s desires.

After the military coup, the military leader has been giving titles to hundreds of ethnic leaders, military officers, generals, police officers, town elders, artists, and individuals on special days.
As a result of the Three Brotherhood Alliances’ Operation 1027, which began in late October, the junta army has lost more than 200 military bases in the Kokang region of northern Shan State.
Meanwhile, some soldiers were injured or killed due to the offensive of the regional ethnic armed organizations and PDF joint forces in the Chin, Karenni, Karen, and Rakhine States and Sagaing Region, while others deserted to resistance fighters.
Military and political analyst U Than Soe Naing remarked, “The military council cannot boost the morale of the soldiers in a situation where towns and camps are seized in every battle.”
The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) announced that Brigadier General Aung Zaw Lin from the 12th Military Operation Command was shot and killed in the ongoing battle in the Kokang region of Northern Shan State.
The MNDAA discovered a dead body wearing a brigadier general insignia on December 6 and notified the military council to return the body, but the military council has yet to respond.
Junta Spokesman General Zaw Min Tun denied the death of the MOC 12 commander in the Northern Shan State, claiming that he was carrying out operational duties at the front line.
The junta army is responding on a variety of propaganda platforms by claiming that they have opened space for the enemies in accordance with military strategy, that the enemies have been defeated, and that the camps have been under control.
News-Than Lwin Times