Ye, 26 December
The revolutionary joint forces sized a vehicle carrying military items from Yebyu-based Light Infantry Battalion 406 on Ye-Dawei road between Kamawkanin and Aung Tharyar village in Mon State’s Ye Township, reported the office of the deputy regional commander of No. 3 Military Sub-Division, Southern Military Region.
The incident happened when the combined forces of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) were conducting inspection on Ye-Dawei Union Highway around 9:30 a.m. on 24 December.
According to the statement, the supplies for 406th LIB, such as military uniforms, refrigerators, two motorcycles, clothes, utensils, and military documents, were found on the seized pickup truck.
The revolutionary group interrogated the driver and his follower, who are from Insein and South Okkalapa townships, Yangon Region, and released them because they had nothing to do with the military regime.

The resistance joint forces are carrying out daily inspections on No. 8 Union Highway between Ye and Dawei to ensure control of the area, and the military council even moves military equipment and items using passenger and civilian vehicles.
Therefore, the revolutionary groups have instructed the drivers not to carry military items using Mawlamyine, Mudon, Ye, Thanbyuzayet, Dawei and Myeik roads and warned the people not to ride in military vehicles.
The No. 406 Light Infantry Battalion, situated in Yebyu Township, is part of the Coastal Region Command’s No. 8 Military Operation Command and is constantly fighting on the front lines in Karen State and Dawei District.
News-Than Lwin Times
Photo- Nway Oo PDF