Launglon, 26 December
Two junta soldiers were killed in an attack when they advanced towards Satpye village in Tanintharyi Region’s Launglon Township, according to the revolutionary forces.
On 21 December, a 80-member force split into three columns and invaded Satpye village, where they engaged in a fight with the resistance forces.
The battle that lasted for nearly half an hour claimed two junta troops and some sustained injuries, the spokesperson of the Dawei Dragon Company-1 told Than Lwin Times.
The junta army recklessly opened fire using small arms and heavy weapons, forcing locals to safety, said a local.
Moreover, the regime troops forcibly looted valuables and five motorcycles from the homes and shops of local residents in Satpye village.

The invasion of the junta followed the attack on regime forces stationed in Launglon by resistance forces on 20 December.
The attack was carried out by the revolutionary forces of Dawei Dragon Company-1, Launglon People’s Defense Force (LLPDF), and Dawei Dragon Company-5.
Six regime troops were killed and two PDF comrades lost their lives in the Launglon attack and the resistance forces set fire to two junta gates, according to the statement.
News-Than Lwin Times
Photo-Launglon PDF
(The PDFs launched an attack on regime camps in Launglon on 20 December.)