Laukki, 28 December
Almost three years after the coup d’état, Operation 1027 of the Three Brotherhood Alliance, which crippled the military council by capturing towns and military outposts, reached a revolutionary turning point.
It has now been two months since Operation 1027 was launched in late October by the Three Brotherhood Alliance to control their region, eradicate the military dictatorship, and crack down on online gambling fraud.
During the 2-month operation, the Brotherhood Alliance captured more than 440 large and small military bases and outposts in Northern Shan and Rakhine States while 10 towns in Northern Shan were also controlled by the he Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA).
The only town left for the MNDAA to conquer is Laukkai, and the TNLA still needs to control some trade routes and the towns of Namtu and Kutkhaing, but the AA has yet to capture a single town in Rakhine.
CDM Sergeant Zeya from Air Force said, “The Three Brotherhood Alliance are no longer able to capture the camps one by one as quickly as when the operation began, but the fighting will continue.”
He pointed out that it would be better if other revolutionary groups could attack in many areas in a situation where the military council army could not launch a counter-offensive.
During Operation 1027, a total of 406 people, including junta troops of the two battalions of the northern Shan, militia members, and their families, surrendered to the MNDAA.

On the other hand, the military council launched heavy weapons and air assaults to target local civilians, both in areas where the fighting was intense and in non-combat areas.
According to a report released by the Ta’ang Women’s Organization (TWO) based in northern Shan State, more than 120 local people have been killed by artillery fire and airstrikes by the junta army during the two months of Operation 1027.
According to a report by the Myanmar Affairs and Conflict Study Group, the military council lost howitzers, multiple rocket launchers, thousands of military weapons, and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition in the operation.
Operation 1027, launched by the Three Brotherhood Alliance, has spread to Sagaing, Karenni, Chin, Mon, Bago, and Karen, and the military council has lost several military camps and at least eight towns.
With the help of China, the military council, which is losing ground, met with the alliance in the Chinese city of Kunming twice in December, once in the second week and later in the last week.
However, neither the military council nor the Brotherhood Alliance have released any official statements, and they have yet to achieve an agreement that can be addressed between the two parties.
According to U Than Soe Naing, a political and military analyst, “during the second meeting, the two sides failed to reach an agreement, and we cannot achieve peace if we rely on China, and the fighting will worsen in the future,” he said.
Than Lwin Times contacted the group’s spokespersons via Telegram regarding the second meeting between the Three Brotherhood Alliance and the military council in China, but they did not respond.
Recently, TNLA attacked military council camps in Namtu, Kutkhaing, and Kyaukme townships in northern Shan State until December 26, and the AA captured the police station in Mrauk-U District in Rakhine State at around 9 p.m., reported the Three Brotherhood Alliance.
Due to the Operation 1027 of the Brotherhood Alliance, the junta army, on the other hand, was reduced in strength to the point that it had to accept deserters, veterans, and those on medical leave to return to duty.
The junta army’s motto of “I will not give up my camp until I die” was left behind by history during Operation 1027, which started in northern Shan State, reported the Three Brotherhood Alliance on December 17.
Military analysts believe that Operation 1027 of the Three Brotherhood Alliance, along with the balanced offensives of the revolutionary forces across the country, could lead to the collapse of the military regime.
News – Than Lwin Times
Photo – The Kokang