Kawkayeik, 31 December
The Karen Peace Council (PC) has issued an order prohibiting the passage of vehicles with 10 wheels or more on the Htokawkoe-Kyawkhoe route connecting Karen State’s Kawkayeik-Myawaddy road which is a trade road between Thailand and Myanmar.
According to the decision of the Karen Armed Unity Committee meeting on December 9, a ban was issued to prevent vehicles with 10 wheels or more from passing on the Htokawkoe-Kyawkhoe road, but drivers did not follow the instructions, the statement said.
The statement said that the passing of some 10-wheeled vehicles and trucks caused damage to roads and bridges under construction.
Therefore, KNU/KNLA/PC Vice-Chairman Lieutenant General Naw Kapaw Htoo issued an order on December 27 that, starting January 1, vehicles with 10 wheels and above will not be allowed to pass on the Htokawkoe-Kyawkhoe route.
Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt, secretary of the Karen Peace Council, told Than Lwin Times that vehicles with 10 wheels or more will be monitored on the Htokawkoe-Kyawkhoe road, and effective measures will be taken against drivers who do not follow the rules.

At the moment, the Htokawkoe-Kyawkhoe route has potholes, at least three bridges have been lowered in height, and the road is being repaired.
The Htokawkoe-Kyawkhoe is being used as the main road for Thai-Myanmar trade, which is the main trade route between Thailand and Myanmar, has been restricted due to the fighting between the junta army and the revolutionary forces in Kawkayeik.
However, traffic jam occurs due to trucks carrying heavy loads on the eastern Htokawkoe-Kyawkhoe route, causing delays and some small vehicles fall into the ravine.
The Htokawkoe-Kyawkhoe route is under the control of the Karen National Armed Forces, the Karen Peace Council (KNU/KNLA/PC).
News – Than Lwin Times
Photo – CJ