Mawlamyine, 3 December

A fire broke out at 11:00 a.m. on December 2 in Zee Phyu Thaung village in Mon State’s Ye Township, destroying nearly 50 homes, locals told Than Lwin Times.

The incident occurred when Ko Zaw Oo cooked rice with firewood, and the fire was spread to his home’s bamboo wall near Sand Pagoda, Ward No. 1, Zee Phyu Thaung Village.

According to local residents, the fire destroyed nearly 50 houses, including those with thatch or tin roofs, as well as wooden houses, and affected hundreds of people.

The fire department, social assistance groups, and local residents from the surrounding villages extinguished the fire more than two hours later.

According to reports, more than 160 people have been evacuated and relocated at the Yadana Aung Myay Monastery in Zee Phyu Thaung Village.

According to the 2014 census, more than 4,000 people live in Zee Phyu Thaung Village, which mainly depends on fishery.

News-Than Lwin Times


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