Mawlamyine, April (5)

The IDPs from the Tanintharyi Region are forced to live in the forests since there are no shelters or camps where they can hide and dwell, according to the Dawna-Tanintharyi Support Group, which is assisting the IDPs.

Locals from Thayet Chaung, Dawei, Yephyu, Palaw, and Tanintari have fled the violence between military troops and PDFs and are living in makeshift tents due to a scarcity of shelters.

“IDPs are forced to dwell in the woods. There aren’t any specific IDP camps. They appear to live in a secure environment. It is raining with heavy winds.

It’s cold all day in some places,” they remarked.

Refugees are suffering from coughing, running noses and seasonal flu due to unseasonal rains and strong winds in Tanintharyi Region these days.

Fighting in Thayet Chaung and Tanintharyi Townships between late March and early April has resulted in nearly 8,000 refugees in Thayet Chaung.

More than 20 homes were set on fire and at least three civilians were shot dead by the military council due to the conflicts in Thayet Chaung, Taung Pyauk District and Tanintharyi’s Theindaw village.

News – Than Lwin Times

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