
“As the number of unemployment has increased after the military coup, the major destinations of Myanmar migrant workers have been Oman and Singapore for the housemaid jobs. However, those who    face problem in their job committed suicide as they had to work in contract.”

The International Labour Organizations (ILO)’s survey showed that the number of dismissed workers has increased by 41 percent after the military coup in 2021. Women are the majority among them.…

“Invitation to NCA anniversary event is not for peacemaking. If the military has genuine desire for peace, they must withdraw their troops. All political prisoners, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi must be released. The military need to take positive approach.” — Comrade Salai Yaw Aung, Central Leading Committee member of ABSDF

The junta chief has invited EAOs to join the 8th anniversary commemoration of signing Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement on 15 October. He has sent the invitation to foreign diplomats and representatives…