Taungoo, April (26)

On April 25, the Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO) Battalion 4 issued a statement demanding for the immediate departure of all regime soldiers from the KNDO Batallion 4 area in KNU’s Taungoo District Brigade 2.

According to the statement, the regime forces have been stationed in the KNDO Battalion 4 area for more than a decade. And such deployment was harmful to Karen people and other ethnic groups, as well as harming socioeconomic life. 

Especially due to the ​​Kyi Chaung and the 48-mile Kodaeta military bases in the KNDO Battalion 4 area, the people are in a state of panic; the land mines have made it difficult for the livelihoods of the people and they also experienced worry as a result of the military council’s shootings, according to the KNDO Battalion 4.

KNDO Battalion 4 has warned that it is totally unacceptable for the military council camps to be deployed and to withdraw within 15 days of the announcement and that it will not take responsibility for any further incidents after the deadline.

KNU spokesman Pado Saw Taw Ni said the order to leave the regime camps was in line with the KNU’s policy.

“Fighting is also going on in Brigade 2. Only the highway is under the supervision of the military council. The KNU has been in control since the beginning of the revolution. Now we are implementing the KNU’s policies,” he added.

After Lay Kay and Wintar Pan camps in KNDO Battalion 2 of Belin Township, KNU-Thaton District Brigade 1 were warned to withdraw within three days on April 20, the KNDO Battalion 2 has been attacking those two camps since the day before.

News – Than Lwin Times

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