Mawlamyine၊ April (26)

The New Mon State Party (NMSP), an ethnic armed group that has signed a ceasefire agreement, is planning to hold a Mon National Conference.

From May 2 to 5, the Mon National Conference will take place in the Mon National Education Center, which is under the jurisdiction of the NMSP.

At that conference, they will discuss the issues of establishing national unity, drawing up the basic principles of the Federal Union and drafting a constitution that will establish the Mon State Administration in accordance with that principle.

It also aims to discuss relevant policies on national and other issues.

Nai Aung Mange, a member of the NMSP Central Executive Committee, was contacted by the Than Lwin Times regarding the Mon National Conference, but he declined to comment.

From August 22 to 24, 2016, the Mon National Conference was held at Taungpauk hamlet, Kyain Seikgyi Township, Kayin State.

News – Than Lwin Times

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