Mawlamyine, May (13)

Th health personnel at a private hospital in Mawlamyine told Than Lwin Times that military-affiliated groups were investigating whether there were any members of the anti-regime CDM staff.

The military regime’s Department of Health, Police Force, City and Township administrations are inspecting CDM (Civil Disobedience Movement) staff at private hospitals with conducting frequent checks.

A health worker said the medical licences of doctors and nurses were also being checked.
In addition, Dr. Nanda Win, the head of Health Department in Mon State, threatened not to hire CDM staff in private hospitals, and if they did, they would close their licenses.

The Ministry of Health’s crackdown on CDM staff was inhumane, a doctor commented.

CDM staff seem to be fleeing for fear of being arrested by the military council, and some CDM staff have gone into hiding.

Hundreds of health workers in Mon State have joined CDM in their fight against the military dictatorship.

News – Than Lwin Times

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