Mawlamyine, July (30)

The prices of quality rice have risen sharply in Mon State along with the high-quality paddy rice, the rice traders told Than Lwin Times.

The high-grade variety, Paw Hsan, which was only 55,000 kyats per bag in the first week of July, rose to over 60,000 kyats per bag in the last week of July.

According to a trader in rice, the military coup-related increase in general cost, such as transportation costs, and the scarcity of rice have caused rice prices to reach record highs.

As the price of rice continues to rise, its trading in the market is stagnant with few buyers.

The price of Paw Hsan has now increased from 1,400,000 to 1,800,000 kyats per 100 baskets.

According to rice traders, the rice price may surge again in the coming weeks due to low rice stocks in Mon state.

Mon State has more than 700,000 acres of rice and produces more than 400,000 tons of rice annually. After being milled, it is exported to several states and regions.

News- Than Lwin Times

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