Ye, August (6)

The security has been tightened in Mon State’s Ye Township as a result of the attack on the immigration office of the military council, the locals told Than Lwin Times.

On August 3, the Ye Balu, the resistance force, opened fire at the immigration office in Ye Township, killing three people including deputy officer and injuring one.

The military council has now since tightened security in Ye by conducting checks and searches at the entrance to the town.

“With increased security, the military council blocked the roads and checked the roads in the center of the city, at the traffic light and entrance to the town. They also check mobile phones and driver’s licenses. They also seem to check whether the commuters carry weapons,” one local said.

Moreover, there are many security guards at the checkpoints of Ye Bridge, and there are frequent inspections on the railway line.

Ye Township is now under a section 144 nighttime curfew from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m., and regime soldiers are conducting nighttime patrols around the town in civilian cars while wearing civilian clothes.

Following the military’s takeover, the People’s Defense Forces in Ye Township, have been conducting attacks on the junta’s stooges such as the police stations, township development offices, immigration office, and Mytel communication towers.

News – Than Lwin Times

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