Dawei, December (9)

The military regime seized a large amount of weapons and ammunition stored by joint force of PDFs in Wakone village and nearby regions in eastern Dawei, Tanintharyi Region, the sources from eastern Dawei told Than Lwin Times.

On December 7, the 3,000-strong junta soldiers searched the surrounding area of Wakone village and confiscated weapons and ammunition stored by the PDF joint forces from eastern Dawei.

Among the weapons and ammunition seized by the Military Council are 40 rounds of 60-mm bullets, 40 improvised mines, more than 20 homemade rifles, three hand-made mortar tubes, 1,000 rounds of bullets, and gunpowder and accessories worth 150 lakhs.

Although the guns and ammunition have been taken, an Eastern Dawei Force (EDF-PDF) official stated that they will still fight to topple the military dictatorship and urged the people to keep taking part.

Locals said that the military column, that provided security for the regime’s Tanintharyi Region Chief Minister U Myat Ko’s trip, ransacked the houses in Wakone village and took away valuable items such as rice and basic food items.

On December 5, the combined force of People’s Defense Force ambushed that column, killing five military personnel and a PDF comrade sustained minor injuries.

News-Than Lwin Times

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