Yangon, December (14)

More than 2,600 female political prisoners are among the 16,300 unjustly arrested political prisoners nationwide during the nearly two years of the military coup, according to the Women’s League of Burma (WLB).

The issue of women’s arrests after the coup was described in a political declaration that was released following the WLB’s 11th meeting, which was held from December 5 to 9.

According to the political declaration, it is absolutely against international human rights norms to use sexual violence against women as a weapon, violate human rights, target human rights and women’s rights advocates, and imprison, torture, and endanger the lives of these individuals.

The Women’s League (Myanmar) said that the incidents not only threatened women’s rights and human rights, but also disturbed women’s peace and security.

“That’s why I think we need to work hard to take action against the military community who openly commit war crimes according to international law and bring them to a court like the ICC,” Nan Moh Moh, Secretary General of the Women’s League of Burma, told Than Lwin Times.

She added that it is necessary to prepare laws and policies in advance at this time in order to effectively punish the perpetrators under domestic law and bring justice to the victims during the transition period.

The Women’s League of Burma (WLB) believes that a strong federal democratic union can only be established if a constitution can be drafted and enacted that can fully guarantee democratic equality and self-determination by uprooting all tyrants, including the military dictatorship.

Women continue to take part in various anti-dictatorship activities as protesters, female guerrilla forces, female soldiers, and supporters despite numerous obstacles and oppression.

News-Than Lwin Times

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