Yangon, December (27)

The number of refugees fleeing the civil war has reached nearly two million from February 1 last year, when the military took power, to this December 14, according to a report released by ISP-Myanmar on December 27.

According to ISP-Myanmar, there have been close to two million refugees since the military coup, the majority of whom—nearly 800,000—come from Sagaing Region.

Before the military took power, there were nearly 500,000 people fleeing the war, and as the armed conflict escalated, the number of refugees from the civil war increased to more than 1.3 million in 2022.

In addition, the statement stated that there were more than 1 million refugees who fled across the border before and after the coup.

Refugees are hiding on the borders of Bangladesh, India, and Thailand, and there are nearly 100,000 refugees in camps on the Myanmar-Thailand border.

Similarly, there are over 880,000 Rohingya refugees on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border, and at least 40,000 refugees in India’s Mizoram state.

According to ISP – Myanmar, this data is based on independent media and civil society statements, and the figure may be higher on the ground.

News-Than Lwin Times


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