Palaw, December (5)
The junta armed forces set fire to more houses in Tapo and Zayatseik villages in Tanintharyi Region’s Palaw Township on January 3, the representative of Brigade 1 (Myeik District) told Than Lwin Times.
On their way back from a skirmish with the People’s Defense Force in Sae Eain Su village, the 100-strong military column burned down six houses in two villages.
The military column that advanced towards Palaw Township has currently stormed and burned down the villages.

On December 30, the regime forces torched about 30 dwellings in Toywar, Tansion, and Thingantaw villages in Pala town of Palaw, where tension heightened between the two sides.
In Palaw Township, the fighting between the military council and the Local People’s Defense has been ongoing since the last week of December, with casualties on both sides.
More than 2,000 locals have fled to nearby forests and safe places as a result of the Palaw battle and are now in dire need of humanitarian assistance.
News-Than Lwin Times