Sittwe, January (6)

The Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) has accused the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) of killing three officers, including General Khaing Soe Mya, the Chief of Staff of the Arakan Liberation Army (ALA) and a member of the Central Working Committee of ALP.

The ALP announced that three officers, including the Chief of Staff, General Khaing Soe Mya, died of gunshot wounds in the car as a result of an attack by the ULA/AA while they were going to Sittwe by car around 8:30 on January 4.

The ULA/AA expressed strong opposition to the terrorist attack on the Chief of Army Staff General Khaing Soe Mya, and the two battalion commanders, as it has not only harmed the unity of the Arakan people, but also shocked them.

Regarding the incident, Daw Saw Mya Yazar Lin, the president of the ALP told the reporters, “The perpetrators wanted to kill them. Now they are dead. There is no more security in Rakhine State, and a seven-day mourning period has been set for their deaths.

The statement added that ULA/AA not only arrested, tortured, and assassinated the leaders of their party/army, party members, and troops, but also the leaders of the Arakan political party, innocent monks, and people.

The Than Lwin Times attempted at least three times to reach U Khaing Thukha, the AA’s spokesperson, for comment on the Arakan Liberation Party’s (ALP) allegations, but he did not respond.

The Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) is an ethnic armed organization that signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) in October 2015.

Following the military takeover in 2021, the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) was invited to the peace negotiations by military leader General Min Aung Hlaing twice in April 2022, and a third time in late 2022.

News-Than Lwin Times

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