Ye, January (7)

The administrative and land records offices in Mon State’s Ye Township were attacked by artillery shells on January 6, local sources confirmed to Than Lwin Times.

The office of the administrative department in Thiri Marlar ward and land records office in Thiri Nandar were suffered three attacks by 40-mm mortar rounds around 6 in the morning.

A mortar shell fell and exploded on the roof of the land records office, damaging some parts of building, but no one was injured.

Meanwhile, the explosion at the administrative office did not cause any harm or injuries.

After the incident, the regime forces stopped and searched the commuters at city gate and some roads, but no longer inspections in the afternoon.

Later, the Ye Balu, the resistance force, claimed responsibility for the attack.

Following the coup, junta departments were frequently targeted in Ye Township and non-CDM staff were among the victims.

News-Than Lwin Times

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