Kyondoe, January (26)

The regime forces continued to clash with allied resistance forces in Kyondoe under KNU Brigade 6 on January 25 with aerial strikes, the locals told Than Lwin Times.

The military column advanced into Kyondoe, firing artillery shells into the villages along with airstrikes.

Local residents said that they could hear a terrible sound like a landslide due to the bombardment between the Kanni and Tadar-U villages.

The fighting started on January 20 in Kyondoe Township of KNU territory, and escalated on January 24, and the regime troops opened fire on the villages of Kanni, Miglon, and Kawka, and the army also set fire to the homes of local residents in Kanni village yesterday evening.

More than 40 junta troops were killed, and a few comrades were injured on resistance forces in recent clashes that broke out in Kyondoe Township, according to a statement released by the Lion Battalion Commando on January 25.

The residents of many villages near Kyondoe have fled to safety due to the fighting, and some have remained in the villages.

The military council also conducted another airstrike on the mining block in the Phayarthonezu area under the 6th Brigade, and many buildings were damaged, the sources from KNU reported.

On January 23, Phayarthonezu’s Guerrilla Force set fire to some offices while urging the staff to join CDM and cooperate with the people.

News-Than Lwin Times

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