Yangon, January (26)

Nearly 20,000 homes, including places of worship, were destroyed between November of last year and January 15 of this year as a result of armed conflict and violence across the entire nation, according to data released by ISP-Myanmar.

According to data released on January 24 by the research group ISP-Myanmar, at least 16,246 residential buildings were damaged in Sagaing Region in two and a half months, an increase of more than 60 percent.

At least 673 homes and buildings were destroyed as 10 more townships burned down, with Myingyan Township in Mandalay Region suffering the worst loss with more than 300 homes and buildings.

At least 57,809 homes and other structures had burned down since the military coup in 2021 through January 15 of this year in seven states and five regions, including Sagaing.

ISP-Myanmar’s data shows that Sagaing Region accounted for 71 percent of the total number of houses and buildings destroyed by fire in the country during the nearly two years since the military coup.

This information is compiled based on reports from independent media and civil society organizations, but ISP-Myanmar says the actual figure on the ground could be much higher.

News-Than Lwin Times 

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