Kyaikto, January (26)

On the afternoon of January 25, a mortar shell fell on a truck near a checkpoint at the Mopplin crossroad, Mon State’s Kyaikto Township, killing one and injuring ten others, the local residents told Than Lwin Times.

At around noon that day, a heavy weapon fell on a passenger truck waiting to be checked at the checkpoint, and exploded.

As the police and soldiers argued at the checkpoint, a soldier fired a 40-mm shell into the sky and hit a passenger car parked one furlong away from the checkpoint.

The explosion killed one man and injured 9 others on the truck.

It is reported that the dead and injured by the heavy weapon have been sent to Kyaikto Township Hospital.

According to reports, more than 3,800 local residents have fled their houses as a result of the regime battalions’ daily use of heavy weapons in Kyaikto Township, according to the KNU Brigade 1, Thaton District.

News-Than Lwin Times

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