Tanintharyi, January (27)

A mortar round fired by junta forces landed on a village, killing a woman in her nineties and injuring 15 others in Tanintharyi, the locals confirmed to Than Lwin Times.

Since January 23, a heavy battle between regime and opposition forces has been raging close to Banlamut village in Tanintharyi.

 Daw Thein Khin in her 90s was killed in a junta shell explosion in U-Yin Kan village on January 24.

The regime forces fired artillery weapons into Banlamut, Bawdhi Kan, Mawdon, and U-Yin Kan villages, injuring 15 people and destroying five houses.

The PDF official in Tanintharyi Township warned the people to be cautious and follow the rules because the fighting may get even worse.

More than 2,000 villagers from villages including Banlamut, Bawdhi Kan, U-Yin Kan, Yanhpo, Nyaungpinkon, Taninthryi, Lower Kan and fled their homes.

During the intense fighting, Taninthari PDF announced that passenger vehicles should not pass through Taninthayi Township between 7 pm and 5 am, stay far away from military convoys, lower their car windows, and be willingly inspected.

News-Than Lwin Times

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