Yangon, 27 January
Over 60 foreign governments, international organizations (including UN entities, foreign financial institutions and other international organizations are providing political or financial supports to Myanmar military junta, according to the report of Justice for Myanmar launched on 25 January.
The ‘Developing A Dictatorship’ report detailed a total of 64 government and international organizations which include 22 foreign governments, 26 intergovernmental organizations (including 14 UN entities), 8 foreign financial institutions, and 8 other international organizations.
The report highlighted the four main categories of support for Myanmar junta, which are political support through diplomatic relations and actions that legitimize and enable the military junta to take decisions on behalf of Myanmar in international forums; the transfer of knowledge and skills to the military junta and those who serve their interests through technical cooperation.

Moreover, Myanmar military is receiving financial support through the development of infrastructure that may serve the junta financially and strategically, loan disbursements, and direct purchases from, or indirect business dealings with, companies and other entities controlled by or associated with the junta.
A total of 45 international organizations signed 12 agreements with, or representing their credentials to, the military junta, including 5 United Nations entities.
The report also specified that 27 organizations allowed junta members to represent Myanmar at meetings and events, including 10 governments and 8 United Nations entities, and the representatives of 8 foreign governments attended the junta-run military parade.
The Justice for Myanmar also found that China and Russia significantly increased their political supports to the junta regime, while Japan and India have emerged as the most prevalent supporters for various types of assistance.
However, a total of 13 organizations have recently taken measures to stop their support to the junta, according to the report.
News—Than Lwin Times