Ye, 31  January

Two cars collided on Thanbyuzayet-Ye road in Lamine town of Ye Township in Mon State on 27 January.

The accident took place around 6:30 pm, leaving 5 dead, including one girl, said the locals.

A passenger bus that left Ye to Thanbuyzayet hit a Probox van car en route from Thanbyuzayet to Ye collide. All the three persons on the van car—a driver, two men and a 7-year-old girls died on the spot, according to Lamine Civil Society Organization in Ye Township.

“We took out the dead bodies   from debris of car damages together with the locals and other two civil society organizations—Shwe Hin Thar and Metta Shaehtar Rescue Team,” said a member of Lamine  Civil Society Organization to Than Lwin Times.

 Deadly car accidents frequently occurred on Thanbyuzayet-Ye road session at night.

News—Than Lwin Times

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