Kyainseikkyi, 31 January

A concrete bridge near Thanpaya village in Kyainseikkyi Township, Kayin State, was destroyed by landmine on 28 January morning.

Darli creek bridge is located between Thanpaya and Shwe Linn village.

Locals said to Than Lwin Times, “Three explosions were heard in early morning, and then the bridge collapsed. One side of bride fell into the creek.”  

 The bridge collapsed at the bank of Shwe Lin village, and it cannot be used by cars and motorcycles at all, causing difficulties for passenger and commodity transportation on Mudon-Chaung Hna Khwa-Kyainseikkiyi-Three Pagoda Pass route.

Public transport is being prohibited on Thanbyuzayat-Three Pagoda Pass road due to armed clashes, and Mudon-Kyainseikkyi-Three Pagoda Pass has been an alternative route.

A small explosion occurred at the same bride on 25 January, leaving some damages there.

News—Than Lwin Times

Photo: CJ

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