Yangon, 25 February

 Armed men robbed K300million taken out by customers from a branch of CB Bank at Sakura Tower in downtown Yangon on 24 February morning.

The armed robbery took place near Yangon City Hall with tight security of junta forces, which is located  at a 10-minute walk from the bank in Kyauktada Township.

 The customers are from Yong Xin currency exchange services and their money in two polypropylene bags were robbed by about five men armed with knives, said the locals to Than Lwin Times. 

 A source close to Yangon Region Police Force said, “The robbers took away all the money in two polypropylene bags.”:

The junta forces then made inspections at the crime scene, but the robbers remain at large until now.

 News—Than Lwin Times

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