Tinlin, 28 February

Internally displaced persons in Tinlin area of Magway region are in need of humanitarian assistance, said local civil society organizations to Than Lwin Times.

Medicines and basic items for children are required for the people from six villages as the military columns raided this area. 

“Local people have fled from armed conflicts for eight months ago. They need medicine, shelters and basic humanitarian items. Donation can be made through ‘Yaw Alinn Tan’ social media page,” said a volunteer who is helping IDPs.

He added that construction materials, school supplies, clothes, solar panels, batteries and materials for drinking water filtration for the temporary schools with 35 teachers and over 200 children in the villages of IDPs.

About 1,500 IDPs from five villages have taken shelters for eight months, while another 580 people from a village are staying at the camps for 19 months ago.

 In addition to these more than 2,000 IDP, the locals from Kyaukdu and Gangaw are fleeing from their homes due to the threats of military columns in these areas.

According to the independent research group, the Institute for Strategy and Policy – Myanmar (ISP – Myanmar), the highest figure of IDPs in Myanmar are living in Sagaing, Kayah, Chin and Magway.

 The Unicef Myanmar also said that over 3 million local children are suffering health hazards resulted from deficiency of hygiene water.

News—Than Lwin Times

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