Gangaw, 27 February

Four junta soldiers were killed and some injured in an ambush of local defense force in Gangaw Township, Magway region, on 24 February, according to the report of PDF Gangaw.

The ambush on No. 50 Infantry Unit with 89 soldiers from Myithar dam took place in south of Minywa village.

“People in the villages near Kyaukdu and Gangaw areas along the route of military column have left their homes temporarily. If junta soldiers came out from their camps in Minywa police station, the clashes would occur,” said a source close to resistance forces to Than Lwin Times.

The PDF members did not get injured in the clash that lasted around 30 minutes.

Moreover, the local forces rescued a civilian who was used as a human shield by the military together with the two other persons.

In response to the ambush, the junta troops stole valuable items from the houses which the owners have left to avoid armed clashes.

 The local resistance forces have warned about possible escalation of armed conflicts at the Gangaw-Minywa road section.

News—Than Lwin Times

Photo: Gangaw PDF

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