Loikaw, 27 February

A military helicopter with a load of weapons and food supplies enroute to BP-12 area near Kayah-Thai border was shot in the air and it changed the direction without landing, according to the information center of Karenni state.

The helicopter flied to the military’s Hwaykhamaut camp (Point 1441) around 3 pm on 24 February.

The No (1) Battalion of Karenni Army used a long-range automatic machine gun in the attack.

Two fighter jets carried out retaliatory attacks four times on the nearby areas of Hwaykhamaut camp around 4 pm, but no one of resistance force was injured, said a spokesperson of Karenni Army to Than Lwin Times.

However, he could not confirm the exact damages and the firing range between the resistance force and the helicopter. 

While the military has been suppling foods and weapons to its frontline troops in this area since early February, the joint force of Karenni Army and the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force attacked a 30-member military column of No (54) Infantry Unit heading to BP-12 area on 19 February.

In this battle, five soldiers, including ‌a company commander, were arrested.

The junta has carried out over 190 air raids in Kayah State since the coup, according the report of Progressive Karenni People Force.

News—Than Lwin Times.

Photo: CJ

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