Mawlamyine, March 18, 2023

Any one who turned traitor in anti-dictatorship Spring Revolution will be punished in line with administrative rules, said Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Thain.

At the 10th meeting of National Unity Government held on 14 March, the prime minister advised his administration to serve the public efficiently, to protect them effectively and to work for their interest.

“Any one who betray the revolution without considering about public interest will be punished in accordance with the administrative rules. Although we are the revolutionary government, we will try for ensuring systematic administrative mechanism,” said Mahn Win Khaing Than.

He also urged for systematic implementation in line with priorities for the ‘one-year-plan’ of revolution because the military is cracking down on the people more brutally while they cannot control the country.

Mahn Win Khaing Than continued to say that while NUG is standing as a revolutionary government to protect people in   defensive battles, the administration has many shortages of human and financial resources in establishing a government that can provide public services through administrative mechanism in respective areas.

 News—Than Lwin Times

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