Kyainseikkyi, 26 March

Clashes intensified between junta troops and the joint forces of Karen National Liberation Army in Kyainseikkyi and Kyaidon townships of Kayin state on 25 March.

Some junta soldiers were arrested in the battles, according to local sources.

The KNLA and its affiliated groups conducted joint attacks on Light Infantry Unit 546 of the junta and local police camp on Kawkareik-Hpa-an motor road. The military carried out retaliatory attack by airstrikes.

During the battle that started at 9:15  am on 25 March in Kyaidon, the local forces set fire to police station and some ammunition of police force were confiscated.

Locals have fled from the clashes in Kyaidon.

At 5 am on 25 March, fighting occurred between KNLA joint forces and the military troops.

Photo: Than Lwin Times

Photo: CJ ( Fire broke out in Myawady Township

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