Salin, 30 March

Arson attack of the junta troops on the whole Kinpongyone village in Salin Township, Magway region, has forced about 300 locals to flee from their homes.

After armed clashes with local people’s defence force from early morning to afternoon on 28 March, the military set fire to the village, destroying nearly half of the village.

The People Defence Force Salin has requested the need of basic food and emergency aid for the displaced persons.

The military column with over 200 soldiers was jointly attacked Minbu District No.1 Battalion-Salin, Saw Battalion (3), people defence forces in Pwint Phyu and Minbu townships and Sidoktaya Township’s Battalion (3).

The causalities of both sides remain unknown.

News—Than Lwin Times

Photo: People Defence Force Salin

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