Mawlamyine, 13 April

The military junta would carry out terror attacks on civilian targets during the Myanmar’s New Year Water Festival, and put the blame on the revolutionary groups, said the acting president of National Unity Government.

 Duwa Lashi La said, at the 14th meeting of NUG on 11 April morning, , “Myanmar is about to enter New Year occasion. It should be vigilant that the military would carry out terror attacks during this period, and put the buck the resistance forces to trick people.

 He added that the military is trying to split up people and the resistance forces in revenging their losses to be able to hold on power through illegitimate coup.

 He also stressed the importance of concrete evidence to take legal action against the junta in line with international law and to end their atrocities of killing civilians.

 The acting president advised the NUG officials to prepare and discuss effective lawsuits the junta and its affiliated groups.

  Photo: Than Lwin Time

Photo: NUG

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