Nay Pyi Taw, April (22)

The junta-established Union Election Commission (UEC) announced on April 20 that the military-proxy Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) has been approved for registration as a political party.

According to Section 9 of the Political Parties Registration Law enacted by the military council after the coup, the USDP was allowed to register, and its registration number is 1, according to the statement.

The Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) first applied to the junta UEC on February 1 for party establishment and registration rights within days of the passing of the Political Parties Registration Law.

The USDP, which is registered as a political party that will organize across the country, reshuffled key positions at the party’s third two-day conference in August of last year.

After the military coup in 2021, former Police General U Khin Yi, who served as the Minister of Immigration and Population, took over as party chairman, and former army officer U Myo Zaw Thein became vice chairman 1.

The military regime enacted a new Political Parties Registration Law in late January for the election to be held under a multi-party democratic system, and issued a notice to apply to the UEC for party establishment and registration within 60 days.

There were 63 political parties that applied for party establishment and registration within the 60-day deadline, and the military council announced the dissolution of 40 existing political parties that failed to register.

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo: USDP

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