Mawlamyine, May (3)
Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win has been elected as the 10th chairman of the Karen National Union (KNU), the spokesperson of the KNU, Pado Saw Taw Nee, confirmed to Than Lwin Times.
Pado Saw Kwe Htoo Win, the vice chairman of the KNU, was chosen through a vote system at the 17th KNU Congress, which is now taking place.
Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win and Padoh Saw Sae Ge, the chairman of Brigade 3- Nyaunglaybin Distrct, had the similar voting results in the election of the chairman, and in the second round of voting, Saw Kwe Htoo Win got two more votes and was chosen as the chairman.

Pado Saw Kwe Htoo Win, a former student of Yangon University of Economics, has risen to the top positions through KNU Myeik/Dawei district and has now become the 10th chairman of KNU.
The 90-year-old KNU Chairman, Saw Mutu Sae Po, was present at the congress but declined to participate in the selection because of his health condition.
There were reports that the officials of Brigade 5 (Hpapun District) did not attend the KNU’s 17th Congress that kicked off on April 24, but the KNU spokesman did not comment on this.
The last KNU Congress, which is conducted every four years, was held in 2017, but the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as political and military circumstances, caused the conference to be postponed several times.
News-Than Lwin Times