Nay Pyi Taw, 11 May

Myanmar’s junta announced its cash awards to those from resistance forces, including PDFs, in
exchange of arms and ammunition, ranging from K200,000 to K7.5 million when they defected
to them.

The report of junta media outlets said on 10 May, “Those involved in terrorist groups including
PDF for various reasons and illegal organizations are invited to return to the legal fold for
participation in the nation-building tasks.”

It also said that although they would have to face trials at the court for their committed crimes
such as murder, rape and harming others, the junta would reduce their punishments depending
on the crimes they committed.

A former military officer who joined civil disobedient movement said to Than Lwin Times that
the junta has copycatted straight from the National Unity Government, and their promises are
not entirely trustworthy.

The military also advised the defection can be made through district and township
administrations, military camps and police stations.

Military propaganda media frequently reported the defection of resistance forces. But there is a
wide spread of criticism that non-active revolution groups and their supporters ‘Pyusawhtees’
are being used in the misinformation.

The cash award of junta for the arms and ammunition are: K5 million per gun from the rifle
types, K2 million per gun from pistol types, K3 million per shotgun,K7.5 million per mortar,
launcher, RPG, K500,000 per homemade shotgun, homemade mortar, homemade gun,
K300,000 per homemade mine and grenades, K200,000 per other equipment except for arms
and munitions, (e.g., walkie-talkie), and K5 million per drone which can be used in bombing.

News—Than Lwin Times
Photo- SAC

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