Kyaikto, May (23)

The junta has kept destroying public roadways in KNU-controlled territories and Mon State, locals and resistance forces told Than Lwin Times.

The inter-village road in Kim Mon Chaung and Saung Naing Gyi villages, the road to Winkalaw village, and the Latpanpin-Maeyonelay road in Ingabo at the foot of Kyaiktiyo mountain in Kyaikto township of Mon state have all recently been destroyed by regime forces using backhoes.

On May 14, junta troops destroyed inter-township roads in KNU Brigade 6, Dooplayar District, the road to Taung Kyar In village, Kawkayeik-Kyaikdon road, and Kamainggon village road in Kawkayeik with backhoes and blocked the roads with cut trees.

The spokesperson of KNU, Padoh Saw Kale Sae, said, “The roads in Kawkayeik are still used by the public. We see this destruction of roads as an intentional and harmful act targeting the public”.

Locals say that the junta army’s destruction of public roads has hindered the local people’s travel and trade, as well as making it difficult for them to go to hospitals for emergency health issues.

Ko Aye Min Tun from PDF-Thaton District, said that the junta forces are destroying public roads with the intention of harming the people and implementing the four-cut strategy, as well as preparing defenses for them.

The KNU reported last month that the military council has again used the four-cut strategy after the coup, firing heavy weapons at villages, blocking roads, and cutting off communications.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights released a report in February of last year stating that the Myanmar junta army is using a four-cut strategy by destroying villages to make civilians homeless, hindering them from delivering humanitarian aid, preventing the resistance forces from receiving food, financial support, information and new troops.

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo: CJ

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