Htantabin, May (23)

More than 25,000 people fleeing the junta’s military operations and human rights violations in Bago Region’s Htantabin are in dire need of emergency assistance, said the Htatabin People’s Defense Force in a statement released on May 22.

When martial law was declared in Htantabin, 25,000 residents from more than 20 villages fled to safety because junta troops were targeting the locals.

Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are in urgent need of food, medicine, shelter, accommodation, and humanitarian assistance over time.

That is why the Htantabin PDF issued a statement urging people in both local and oversea to assist the IDPs, to show compassion and care for them, and not to raise rents and commodity prices.

The regime forces have used fighter jets and helicopters to bombard and attack the Zayatgyi (south) of Htantabin Township, which borders KNU’s Kyaukgyi Township, and have been firing heavy weapons into the villages and planting mines and detonating them many times, said the statement.

The Htantabin PDF said that the massive junta troops stationed in public and religious buildings, became drunken and violent, destroyed property, and took things.

In addition, the military convoy has damaged crops by passing through the fields, and mines are often placed on the roads where villagers go to work. They have also broken into residences and shops in the villages, stealing food, clothing, and valuables, as well as shooting and eating pets, according to the statement.

About 20 people, including children, women, the elderly, and the sick, were burned and massacred by the junta forces in Nyaung Pin Thar village, Htantabin Township on May 10.

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo – CJ

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