Kyaukgyi, June (7)
The combined forces of KNLA Brigade 3 conducted simultaneous attacks on the police station and military outpost in Natthangwin in Bago Region’s Kyaukgyi Township on June 6, according to local sources.
The conflict started when the KNLA coalition attacked the Natthangwin police station and the Bonthataw outpost of the military council at the same time.
The three junta helicopters strafed the area where the two-hour long battle took place from 5 to 7 a.m. on that day.

The coalition detonated mines on the Sittaung bridge that connects Kyaukgyi and Natthangwin towns to prevent reinforcement of ground forces, the sources said.
According to Yoma PDF, at least ten junta soldiers were killed in Natthangwin battle, and many more were injured or went missing.
During the fighting, many of the regime troops’ weapons and ammunition were confiscated, and some civilians were injured by the airstrikes.
The Karen National Union (KNU) has not issued any statement regarding the fighting.
News – Than Lwin Times Photo: KNLA/PDF Kyaukkyi