Ye, 14 June

 A goldwares shop in Yangyiaung Ward of Ye Township, Mon State, was robbed, and nearly K80 million worth of various goldwares were stolen from the shop, said the own to Than Lwin Times.

Around 8 am on 13 June, a man robbed Ngwe Lawun goldwares shop.

“A car was found parked in the market. At the time of power blackout and the thick cloudy weather, a man get off a car, and robbed the items wroth about nearly K80 million, “ said the owner of goldwares shop.

Although there were no robbery cases worth about tens of million kyat in Ye township, motorbikes were looted on the roads every night.

 People who are in difficult livelihood and pro-military supporters are committing robbery cases.

“While robbery cases are happening in city area, the rural areas have seen extortion of non-resistance armed groups. The security has worsen after the military takeover,” said a local living in northern side of Ye to Than Lwin Township.

 Moreover, the military junta has carried out heavy weapon shelling over villages, forcing people to flee.

 News—Than Lwin Times


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