Mawlamyine, June (17)

The political prisoners were held incommunicado after they were taken away by the junta army from Mawlamyine prisons, sources close to political prisoners told Than Lwin Times.

Political prisoners are detained by the military council in Mon State’s Kyaikmaraw central prison and Thaton prison.

Among them, political prisoners and members of the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) who have been charged under the Anti-Terrorism Act have been beaten and tortured by the regime forces and prison authorities.

Worst of all, after the regime forces took political prisoners who have been sentenced to long-term prison terms for terrorist offenses at night, family members have lost contact with them, according to a person close to the family of the political prisoners.

On June 13, local residents said that the decomposed bodies of two men were found in an old KTV room in the compound of the old PTT gas station near Kamarsai village in Mon State’s Thaton Township.

According to reports, the two deceased males were dressed in clothes and shirts similar to those worn by prison inmates and were disfigured.

On the one hand, political prisoners are not transferred to different jails, but are taken without explanation and do not know where they are being taken, causing family members to be concerned about their lives.

In addition, the military council used to take political prisoners who made demands regarding human rights in prisons, and these people disappeared, a source said.

In prisons, political prisoners are oppressed more than other prisoners convicted of other crimes, and if they demand the rights they deserve, they are put in solitary confinement.

In addition, the authorities do not provide full health care to political prisoners and often commit human rights violations and harassment, according to people close to political prisoners.

There are nearly 500 political prisoners under political charges in prisons in Mon State, and they are from different states and regions, including Mon and Karen States, and Bago Region.

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo: RFA

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