Launglone, 22 June

Father of a prominent protest committee member in Dawei district, Tanintharyi region, was arrested by junta forces from his home in Pyinhtein village of Launglone Township on 19 June.

U Aung Phe, the 60-year old father of Min Lwin Oo, was beaten by the junta forces who arrived in the village by four cars, before being taken him.

“They raided my house, and found my arm brand and  shirt of student Union, as well as a wire to join battery. Solders asked my father not to keep these things, and beat him. My father is not in good health,” Min Lwin OO said to Than Lwin Times.

After they left his home, two mobile phones of his father and mother were lost together with K800,000.

Min Lwin Oo did not contact with his parents after he joined anti-coup protests, and never returned home since then.

  The father is held in custody of Launglone police station, and his family members are not allwed to meet him.

 The junta troops frequently raided   houses in Launglone township, and they arrest people, extort money from the locals and arrested hundreds of civilians.

 News—Than Lwin Times

Photo—Min Lwin Oo seen in a protest  (CJ)

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