Ye, June (27)
The military council has shut down most of the departmental offices in Lamaing Town in Mon State’s Ye Township, where martial law has been imposed, and the office staff has been transferred to the departmental offices in Ye Township, locals confirmed to Than Lwin Times.
The military council has been gradually closing down departmental offices since last month due to security concerns, with only the Health Department remaining open.
When departmental offices are closed, residents must travel to Ye for documentation processes, incurring travel costs and frequent shootings, according to a Lamaing resident.
The policemen of Lamaing police station are moving to the military compound because they are afraid of being attacked by the revolutionary forces.

The Non-CDM staff, who did not wish to be named, said that departmental staff from Lamaing Town are going to the office in Ye and are worried about their security.
On June 13, the military council issued an order requiring all departments to ask permission
before traveling long distances and to report to Military Operations Commands (MOC-19) in Ye
Following the military coup, the junta battalions, camps, and departmental offices were
frequently targeted by resistance forces in Mon State’s Ye Township, which was placed under
martial law.
News-Than Lwin Times