Kyainseikkyi, July (18)

Two civilians were shot dead and nearly 20 civilians were abducted as human shields by the junta during the fighting in Khale Tagon Daing village tract in Karen State’s Kyainseikkyi Township, according to the resistance forces.

The fighting continued almost all day when the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) ambushed the junta column with a force of roughly 90 troops entering Khale Takon Daing under KNU Brigade 6 on July 14.

During the battle, the junta troops deliberately opened fire on a passenger vehicle, killing two civilians and injuring 17 others, and the wounded were taken away as human shields by the junta, said the Red Dragon column.

At 9:00 p.m. that day, two people took advantage of the rain to flee the regime forces, and the Red Dragon column looked after them.

The battle claimed five junta soldiers and injured six, while five members of the resistance forces sustained injuries, according to the statement of the Lion Battalion Commando strategic column.

According to a statement from the Red Dragon column, the junta troops have so far arrested 19 civilians, including four farm laborers from Palain village and 15 people in a passenger vehicle.

After the junta army entered the Khle Takon Daing village in Kyainseikkyi Township in late June, more than 1,500 local residents of the villages, such as Khale, Palain, Takon Daing, Nyein Chan Myaing, and Naung Day, were forced to flee to safety due to artillery fire and airstrikes.

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo: KNU

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