Mawlamyine, July (30)

Incessant rain across Mon State has caused further flooding and landslides since the early morning of July 29, locals and rescue teams told Than Lwin Times.

Rain-induced flooding has been reported in the Mon State Townships of Ye, Thanbyuzayet, Mudon, and Paung, and some individuals in low-lying regions must be evacuated immediately.

Because of the flood in Ye Township, some inhabitants of Hangan village have been forced to relocate and require boats to carry out rescue operations, according to the residents.

The heavy rain flooded Yangon-Mawlamyine Road in Paung Township, Thaphyuzara – Mudon Road in Mudon, and some neighborhoods.

A grocery store was destroyed in the landslide on Kyaikto’s Kyaikhtiyo mountain, but no one was injured, said the locals.

Meanwhile, a tornado damaged the roofs of approximately 20 houses, including a school, in Thanbyuzayet Township’s Kyarkan Ward on the evening of July 28.

Floods and landslides in Mon State during the third week of July killed four people, including three children, injured two, and evacuated thousands.

News-Than Lwin Times

Photo- Social Media/ Banyar Aung Thu

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